Our Mision

To contribute to the growth of companies and businesses operating in México through our reliable and effective foreign trade and logistics services.

Our Vision

To consistently increase the value of the organization by strengthening our reputation through extensive experience in international logistics, our talent, and technological innovation. We always reduce risks, generating trust and confidence in our customers.

Our Values

Our goal is to be trustful, which is shown in the values that we support:


Grupo Logistics: the best solution, integrated logistics

Why hire our services? We provide you the best integrated logistics for your products with one supplier and time efficiency.
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Credentials and Certifications

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Our Customers

Call Us +52-55-5379-9845

Grupo Logistics 2015 Copyright

Blvd. Manuel Ávila Camacho

2900 desp.303

Col. Los Pirules, Tlalnepantla,

Edo. de México C.P. 54040